A-Z Fitness, Health and Food

A-Z Fitness, health and terms of food, that you can encounter on this website:

Absolute Force: the maximum quantity the person can rise in one recurrence.

Accommodation of Resistance: the Increase in resistance Nautilus of the machine as speak, provides resistance of accommodation.

The got Ageing: purchase of the characteristics usually connected to ageing, but it, actually, is caused by an immovability or sedentary residing.

Active Extent: Muscles are stretched, using reduction of a muscle of opposition, (antagonist). For an example, stretching the triceps, demands, that the biceps has concluded the contract.

Sticking: the Fibrous patch, holds muscles or other parts together which are usually separated.

ADP (Adenosine Diphospahate): It provides energy for muscular reduction.

Aerobic ability: Other term for the maximal ingenuity of oxygen (VO2 max).

Aerobic Exercise: Activity in which a body is capable to deliver adequate oxygen to working muscles, for the period of time. At a run, skiing on a cross-country terrain and driving on a bicycle - examples of aerobic actions.

Amino acids: Twenty - two basic standard blocks of a body which makes fibers.

Anaerobic Exercise: Actions in which requirements of oxygen of muscles are so high, that they rely on internal metabolic process for the oxygen, coming to an end a dairy acid, grow. Short explosions " general " actions such as sprinting or heavy athletics are anaerobic.

Anaerobic the Threshold: a point in which you start to work your muscles without oxygen, from an aerobic level, trusted to be approximately on 87 % of your Maximal Intimate Norm.

Antioxidants: Vitamins A, C and E, alongside with various minerals which are useful to protect a body.

Assimilation: process by which foodstuff are used and are absorbed by a body.

Ballistic Extent: more vigorous extent, using rocking or the jumping up movement satisfied only for caused athletes.

Dumbbell: the Weight used for exercise, contains from the firm handle 5-7 ' for a long time, with demountable metal disks in each end.

The basic Metabolic (speed of the basic exchange): Metabolic norm in rest, your bodies working production.

Bodybuilging: the Weight training to change physical occurrence.

Structure of the Body: breakage of your cosmetics of a body, that is fat, a poor muscle, a bone and the water contents.

Increase in volume: Receiving weight of a body, adding a muscle, fat of a body or both.

Carbohydrates: Structures which contain carbon, hydrogen and the oxygen used by a body as a fuel source. Two main groups - sugar and starch.

Loading of Carbohydrates: consumption of Increase in carbohydrates in a liquid or the foodstuffs forms usually three days up to a case such as endurance.

Cardiovascular Training: Physical creation of conditions, which strengthens heart and blood vessels, result of what is increase in ability to your muscles of a body to use the fuel, more effectively coming to an end the big level of realization.

Cellulose: difficultly digested fibre in foodstuff.

Cholesterol: fat lipid which has both good and bad values within the limits of a human body. Good knew as HDL and badly being LDL. Bad cholesterol is connected to intimate illness and impact whereas the body demands some cholesterol for manufacture of many hormones steroid.

Full Fibers: Fibers which contain all essential amino acids.

Cool down: Moderate then light the activity usually accompanied, reaching.

Coronary Intimate Illness: Illnesses of an intimate muscle and blood vessels which supply it with oxygen, including heart attack.

Crunch: the Knee-bends made on a floor with foots on a bench, will hand behind of a neck.

Deficiency: sub an optimum level or one or more nutrients, frequently coming to an end poor health.

Delts: Reduction for deltoids muscles, the big triangular muscles of a shoulder which lift a hand far from a body and execute other functions.

Prevention of Illness: Change of way of life and ecological factors with intention of prevention or reduction of risk of various illnesses and illnesses.

Diuretic means: substance which helps increase in urine excreted a body.

Electrolytes: Capable to carrying out of an electricity in the decision. Used in many actions of a body, potassium, sodium and chloride - all forms of electrolytes.

Endurance: Ability of a muscle to make force continuously during time.

Enzyme: the Useful molecules of fiber crucial for set of chemical reactions within the limits of a body.

Ergogenic: something, that can increase muscular ability of work.

Essential Fat Acids: Required by a body, however only accessible from sources of the foodstuffs, such as flaxseed oils and oils safflower.

Exercise: the Activity made for the sake of storage suitable and healthy.

Fat: Frequently named as lipids, or triglyceride, one of the main groups of the foodstuffs, containing nine calories in gramme. It serves a variety of functions in a body.

Fructose: Frequently used as sugar replacement of diabetics, because of its low glycemic an index. More healthy choice than normal sugar as fructose arrives from a fruit.

Glucose: the basic fuel of a body, the most simple sugar molecule and the main sugar found in a stream of blood.

Glycemic the Index: the system of measurement to find, which degree various foodstuff lift a level of sugar of blood.

Glycogen: the basic form of energy of carbohydrates (glucose) reserved within the limits of muscles of a body and a liver.

Hormones: Regulators of various biological processes through their ability to operate action of enzymes.

Hypertension: the High blood pressure.

Hypoglycaemia: the general occurrence in diabetics, it - low levels of sugar of the blood, coming to an end weariness.

Incomplete fibers: Fibers which are low in one or more essential amino acids.

Dairy Acid: the substance caused anaerobic by training of muscles, created prevents continuation of exercise.

Muscle: a Fabric consisting of fibers, organized in strips or a sheaf, which conclude the contract to cause physical movement.

Tone of the Muscle: the Condition in which the muscle is in constant nevertheless a small condition of reduction and seems steady.

Rises of Weight: Three movements used in power lifting competition; stocky, the bench presses also dead rise.

Progressive Resistance: the Method to be trained where the weight is increased as force of increase in muscles and endurance.

Pump Iron: Rise of weights.

Squares: Reduction for quadriceps, muscles at top of legs.

Recurrence: One full movement of exercise.

Representatives: Reduction for recurrences.

Set: the Established number of recurrences. For example, 10 recurrences can include a set of that.

Training of Force: Use of weight of the resistance training to build the maximal force of a muscle.

Top Abs: Reduction for belly muscles is higher than a navel.

VO2 MAX: the person can use a maximum quantity of oxygen one minute of work.

Heat up: Warm up the gradual exercises executed to receive a body ready to physical activity.